Book in advance, pay in advance and pay less!
Purchasing lift tickets and making rental bookings in advance can get you discounts and make your arrival smoother at the site.

Ski resort data

Groomed snow





Longest run distanceLongest run

3,000 m

Maximum gradientMaximum

28 °

Open seasonDec. 20th to Mar. 9th (*Please check the website for details / Schedule subject to change depending on snow conditions)
Current snow condition- cm
Chance of sunny weather
Dec- %
Jan- %
Feb- %
Mar- %

IOX-AROSA Ski Resort

Resort features

It has a partnership with Arosa Resort in Switzerland and a European ambiance. Featuring extensive slopes, including a 3,000-meter-class long course, and a well-equipped snow park, it offers a unique skiing experience. Additionally, the opportunity for nighttime gondola rides sets this ski resort apart.

Recommended for families
All natural snow
Long course
Night skiing / early morning skiing

Open season

Dec. 20th to Mar. 9th (*Please check the website for details / Schedule subject to change depending on snow conditions)

Opening hours

Weekdays8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturdays8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Public holidays8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Early morning-
Night ski5:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Please check the website to confirm opening dates
Days closedNone

*Information is subject to change. Please check the official website for the latest information and details.
Subject to change depending on the snowfall and weather. Please check the official website for the latest information.

Resort information

Address〒 939-1681115 Sususkehara, Saikawashichi, Nanto-shi, Toyama Prefecture
Snow park informationProduced by SLAB OUTDOOR PARK TATEYAMA. There are several items, such as kickers and rails.
Kids’ parkWe have installed a snow escalator, and it is very popular.
Ski lodgeTicket office, restaurant, information counter, changing rooms, shops, and toilets are available
Rescue facilitiesNext to Gondola Base Station
Childcare facilities
RestaurantsRestaurant Maran (1F & 2F) / IOX HEAVEN (1F) / GROOVY Café / Weisshorn
Payment methods
Visa Mastercard Diners Club American Express JCB UnionPay card LINE Pay
VisaVisa MastercardMastercard Diners ClubDiners Club American ExpressAmerican Express JCBJCB UnionPay cardUnionPay card LINE PayLINE Pay
ActivitiesToboggan Snowscoot Kids’ park

Regular pricing

Official pricing listed by the ski resort
These prices may differ from WAmazing Snow.

Directions & Transportation

〒 939-1681115 Sususkehara, Saikawashichi, Nanto-shi, Toyama Prefecture

Transportation fares are approximate. The actual fare may be different.